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Recep Tayyip Erdogan & Robert Amsterdam?

and public relations svengali."
"Amsterdam's clients are hopeless causes, guilty of such overt criminality there really is no defense. And while it may be noble to defend such men, adhering to the best traditions and values of the West, Robert Amsterdam goes well beyond this, abusing this responsibility in order to carry out specific political objectives on behalf of the globalists with whom he consorts".
Who is Robert Amsterdam?
Who is Robert Amsterdam?
The case of Magnolia’s charter schools shows just how widely Turkey has cast its net in the post-coup crackdown against Gulen’s supporters. And the California network is not alone. Magnolia schools were not closed.
Amsterdam's Latest Client: Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Amsterdam's Top Former Clients
Russian oligarch named,
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Thai police colonel-turned-billionaire tycoon,
Thaksin Shinawatra
Thaksin Shinawatra
Corrupt Former President of Zambia, Rupiah Banda
Who is Recep Tayyip Erdogan?
Erdogan's Dirty Tactics to Topple Oppositions and Gain Powers in and out of Turkey
Dirty Tactics in International Arena

Erdogan: A Classic Case Of How Power Corrupts
Erdogan eliminated check and balances and consolidated power in Turkey. He has total control over judicial system, parliament, government, and military. "After 15 years in power, Erdogan provides a classic example of how power corrupts. It is time for the public and the opposition parties to demand that he leaves the political scene and allow the formation of a democratically-elected government to begin the process of stemming corruption".
"White House refutes Erdogan’s claim that Trump apologized for charges against security guards."
By Jessica Yarvin on PBS Newshour

Turkey widens post-coup purge
since July 15, 2016
got sacked*
academics lost jobs
judges, prosecutors dismissed**
media outlets shut down
schools, dormitories and universities shut down
journalists arrested***
*This number includes (1) state officials, teachers, bureaucrats, and academics who were dismissed by gov’t decrees, No. 667 issued on July 23, No.668 issued on July 25, No.669 issued on July 31, No. 672 issued on Sept. 1, No.675 issued on Oct. 29, No. 677/678 issued on Nov. 22, 2016, No.679/680/681 issued on Jan. 6, 2017, No.682/683/684/685 issued on Jan 23, 2017, and No.689 issued on April 29, 2017, No.692 issued on July 14, 2017, No.693/694 issued on August 25, 2017 and (2) academics who lost their jobs by gov’t decrees, No. 677 issued on July 23, No.675 issued on Oct. 29, 2016, and No.689 issued on April 29, 2017; (3) teachers whose licenses were revoked by Turkey’s Education Ministry on July 19, 2016; (4) and dismissed military personnel [6,511 officers and 16,409 cadets]. For detailed information, please visit: and
**Constitutional Court general assembly resolution 2016/49158 on June 26, 2017, paragraph 19.
***Data compiled from PEN International, Platform for Independent Journalism (P24), Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF), Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), Progressive Journalists Association (ÇGD), and Bianet online news portal. This number includes all journalists who were arrested in the aftermath of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt. Some 170 of them are still kept under arrest with the remaining released pending trial or cleared of charges. For detailed information, please visit:
**Constitutional Court general assembly resolution 2016/49158 on June 26, 2017, paragraph 19.
***Data compiled from PEN International, Platform for Independent Journalism (P24), Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF), Journalists’ Union of Turkey (TGS), Progressive Journalists Association (ÇGD), and Bianet online news portal. This number includes all journalists who were arrested in the aftermath of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt. Some 170 of them are still kept under arrest with the remaining released pending trial or cleared of charges. For detailed information, please visit:
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Recep Tayyip Erdogan & Robert Amsterdam?