Carefully orchestrated by Mark Hall who is the director of Killing Ed Documentary, Robert Amsterdam who is a legal gun-for-hire and public relations svengali for Turkish Government, and Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) which is located in Anaheim, California.
<span class="floox-title">Robert Amsterdam and Mark Hall in an Attempt to Kill High Quality Education<br>in the U.S.A. on behalf of a Foreign Government, Turkey.</span>
In unusual move, LA Unified board denies renewals to five charter schools
"The Magnolia schools, he said, “have never done anything but provide world-class education to inner-city kids in Los Angeles.”
In fact, two Magnolia schools this year were ranked by U.S. News & World Report in the top 100 high schools in California, with one of them, Magnolia Science Academy 2 in Van Nuys, the top-ranked charter high school in L.A. Unified. That school was one of the three Magnolia schools that were denied renewals."
In fact, two Magnolia schools this year were ranked by U.S. News & World Report in the top 100 high schools in California, with one of them, Magnolia Science Academy 2 in Van Nuys, the top-ranked charter high school in L.A. Unified. That school was one of the three Magnolia schools that were denied renewals."
<span class="floox-title">They tried so hard to hide the links between Mark Hall's Killing Ed and Amsterdam<br>but it is impossible to hide the truth.</span>
- Mark Hall got interested in Gulen Movement in 2006.
- Mark Hall released his first long length documentary "Sushi: The Global Catch" in 2011.
- Mark Hall started working on the documentary "Killing Ed" in 2011.
"Over the course of five years he interviewed 44 people and shot more than 150 hours of raw footage. He sold a software patent he was holding to finance the film, which cost more than $400,000. This worked out because it left Hall able to say he’d come to his conclusions independently and he wasn’t indebted to any side on this issue."
- Erdogan hired Amsterdam on August 28, 2015
- Mark Hall finalized the film. He struggled to get it screened in 2015.
“It’s very disappointing for me that the first public screening could not happen in Texas, my home state and the epicenter for this issue,” said Mark Hall.Staging this play in California during Amsterdam’s attack on Magnolia Charter Schools was not a coincidence. Hall wanted this happen in Texas but Amsterdam was carefully orchestrating his plans in hopes to make a bigger impact on LAUSD regarding closing Magnolia Charter Schools.
- Robert Amsterdam approached Mark Hall in fall 2015.
Hall, a lawyer turned filmmaker from Houston, had been working on the film since 2011. He had been struggling to get his film screened in Texas, but suddenly lawyers representing Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan approached Hall, he says, interested in seeing his film, which criticizes Harmony schools, a charter school network based in Houston.
”They invited me to Washington D.C., they wanted to put me up in the Four Seasons, buy me dinner, but I was finalizing the film and I'm not interested in getting involved in that stuff," Hall says now. "I financed this film myself so that I could show exactly what I found out about this. I didn't work all this time for the message to be slanted by other agendas.” - Robert Amsterdam met Steve Zimmer, president of L.A. Unified board on February 25, 2016.
- Robert Amsterdam filed a complaint against Magnolia with the California Department of Education on February 26, 2016.
"Moreno was one of the “interested California taxpayers” named in the complaint filed against Magnolia. “When Magnolia Charter Academy filed a petition to open up two charter schools in Anaheim, I became very concerned about these corporate networked charters bullying their way into school districts,” he told the Weekly. But when pressed if he had any qualms about Erdogan’s repression of journalists, Kurds and critics, Moreno repeatedly returned to a refrain: “Whether I agree or not with that foreign government is actually not the nature of that complaint.”
- Robert Amsterdam met Michael Matsuda, Superintendant of Anaheim Union School District to discuss the release of the documentary "Killing Ed" on February 27, 2016.
- Anaheim Union High School District hosted invitation-only early screening of the film at Anaheim High School on March 8, 2016.
"The Cook Auditorium screening was invite-only, with security tight." "At the viewing, a representative from Magnolia, Alfredo Rubalcava, was “kicked out” and not allowed at the event."
"Led by Anaheim Union High School District Superintendent Mike Matsuda, a panel discussion followed the showing of “Killing Ed” in the Anaheim High School auditorium Tuesday night."
“The carefully orchestrated event was spearheaded by a who’s-who of Anaheim liberal leaders— Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) superintendent Mike Matsuda, trustee Al Jabbar, and Jose Moreno, a former Anaheim City School District president and current Anaheim city council candidate—who hoped the screening would catapult them as national thought leaders in the fight against charter schools.”
“Also present that night were members of Amsterdam & Partners LLP, a law firm retained by Turkey to investigate Gülen's network worldwide and who had filed a civil suit against him in Pennsylvania alleging human rights abuses late last year.”
“Yet for all the calls by Hall, Jabbar, Matsuda, and Moreno for financial transparency surrounding Gülen-affiliated charters, everyone involved in Anaheim has maintained an almost paranoid secrecy about their doings… AUHSD delayed for almost a month before turning over public records to the Weekly pertaining to the screening. A district employee revealed in an email that AUHSD paid for Hall’s visit; the director denies that, but declined to identify who bankrolled his visit, only allowing that he “charged a screening fee, but that was paid for by a private party that wants to remain anonymous.” - Sycamore Junior High School hosted a free screening of the documentary "Killing Ed" on September 6, 2016.
“The producer of the film was present and an illuminating discussion followed. Educators –teachers, a superintendent, a school board member, union activists–concerned about the future of not only the children being given deficient education by unqualified, imported-from-Turkey “teachers” that populate Gulen schools, but also the future of public education, constituted a big part of the audience. Contact information was exchanged. California education politics, ballot measures, and Gulen activities were discussed. Coincidentally, the Los Angeles Unified School Board was hearing from Magnolia Charter School sat the very same time as the movie was showing." READ MORE
- The L.A. Unified board with Steve Zimmer as board president voted 6 to 0 to close the schools on October 18, 2016.
- Magnolia appealed the decision to the board of the L.A. County Office of Education after October 18, 2016.
- Magnolia High School from Anaheim Union High School District hosted a free screening of the documentary "Killing Ed" on October 26, 2016.
- L.A. County Office of Education overruled LAUSD board decision, by a 4-1 vote, after three hours of testimony and discussion 0n December 20, 2016.
<span class="floox-title">Hall acts like a PR representing Turkish Government by writing to Turkish websites.</span>